Forbes digs deep into HWYMYL

Posted on May 9th, by James in Press & Reviews. No Comments

“The Most Important Decision of Your Life You Make Every Day” — that’s the title of the article Forbes is running on How Will You Measure Your Life?. Quoting from the article:

The road to hell (and business failure) is paved with extenuating circumstances. In business this appears as the trap of marginal thinking. Companies fail because they apply their rules only most of the time and misprice the risk of doing so. People do the same thing–break the law, cheat on a spouse, backstab a client, take just one drink, fudge the numbers, obfuscate the truth–because the risk appears manageable at first. But nothing maintains a steady state. If you can justify going against your principles even once, what’s to stop you from doing it over and over?

If you’re ready to get deep, real quick, you need to read Clay Christensen’s new book, ”How Will You Measure Your Life,” co-written with James Allworth, a consultant and Harvard MBA, and Karen Dillon, former editor of the Harvard Business Review. It mixes tested business theories, a heap of common sense and Clay’s deep confidence in the authority of God. It’s one of the more surprisingly powerful books of personal philosophy of the 21st century. The questions it asks are the right ones: How do I find satisfaction in work? How do create a family with relationships that are meaningful and fulfilling? How do I raise kids who are responsible, kind and make good choices?

As part of the article, Forbes also has a Q&A with Clay:

The full article is available here.

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